Samsung Galaxy A35 Slow charging? A Simple Guide

Samsung Galaxy A35

Addressing slow charging issues in Samsung Galaxy A35 can be frustrating, but with a systematic approach, you can often resolve the problem yourself. This guide covers potential causes and solutions for slow charging in your device, broken down into simple, actionable steps.

Steps to Resolve Samsung Galaxy A35 Slow charging

1. Inspect the Charging Cable and Adapter:

  • Wear and Tear: Regular use can lead to wear and tear of the charging cable and adapter. Check them for any visible damages like cuts, bends, or frayed ends. If damaged, replace them with original or certified third-party products.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the charger and cable are compatible with your device. Using non-compatible or low-quality chargers can result in slow charging.
  • Clean Contacts: Dust and debris on the charging cable or adapter contacts can impede the charging process. Clean them gently with a dry cloth.

2. Check the Charging Port:

  • Debris and Lint: Accumulation of debris and lint in the charging port can block the connection. Turn off the device and carefully clean the port with a small, non-conductive tool like a toothpick or a small brush.
  • Physical Damage: Inspect the port for any signs of physical damage. If the port appears loose or damaged, it may need professional repair.

3. Optimize Battery Settings:

  • Power Saving Mode: While power saving modes help extend battery life, they can sometimes limit charging speed. Ensure your device is not in a power-saving mode while charging.
  • Background Apps: Close unnecessary background apps. These can consume power even during charging, slowing down the process.
  • Battery Care Features: Some devices come with battery care features that limit charging speed to extend battery life. Check if your device has such features enabled and consider adjusting them.

4. Software Updates:

  • Operating System: Ensure your Samsung Galaxy A35’s operating system is up to date. Manufacturers often release updates that can improve charging performance and fix bugs.
  • Apps: Update all apps to their latest versions. Outdated apps can sometimes cause performance issues, including slow charging.

5. Battery Health:

  • Wear and Tear: Batteries degrade over time. If your device is old, its battery might not charge as fast as it used to. Use the device’s built-in battery health feature (if available) to check its condition.
  • Temperature: Charging your device in extreme temperatures can be harmful to the battery. Avoid charging in very hot or cold conditions.

6. Reset or Calibrate the Battery:

  • Soft Reset: Sometimes, a simple reboot can resolve charging issues. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy A35, wait a few minutes, and then turn it back on.
  • Battery Calibration: If the battery level indicator is inaccurate, calibrate the battery by draining it completely, then charging it uninterrupted to 100%.

7. Seek Professional Help:

If none of the above steps work, the issue might be more serious, such as internal hardware problems. In this case, it’s best to contact Samsung support or visit an authorized service center for professional diagnostics and repair.


Slow charging can be caused by various factors, from simple issues like a dirty charging port to more complex problems like hardware malfunctions. By following the steps outlined above, you can identify and often resolve the issue on your own. Remember, regular maintenance and using the right accessories can help prevent charging issues and extend the life of your device.

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