Oppo A98 Overheating? Check This Guide

Oppo A98

Dealing with an overheating Oppo A98 can be frustrating, impacting not just the device’s performance but potentially its longevity as well. Overheating can be caused by many factors, including software malfunctions, excessive usage, faulty hardware, or environmental conditions. This comprehensive guide aims to provide solution to tackle overheating issues with your device, ensuring it runs cooler and more efficiently.

Steps to Resolve Oppo A98 Overheating

1. Identify the Cause:

  • Heavy Usage: Intensive tasks like gaming, streaming, or using GPS navigation can cause your phone to overheat. Monitor your usage patterns to see if overheating correlates with specific activities.
  • Software Issues: Outdated software or malfunctioning apps can also lead to overheating. Ensure all apps and the phone’s operating system are up to date.

2. Minimize Intensive Operations:

  • Limit High-Performance Tasks: Reduce the duration of activities that strain the processor, such as gaming or video streaming, especially if the device starts to get warm.
  • Close Background Apps: Apps running in the background can consume system resources, leading to overheating. Regularly close unused apps.

3. Optimize Software Settings:

  • Update Your Device: Ensure your Oppo A98 is running the latest firmware. Manufacturers often release updates that improve system stability and thermal performance.
  • Factory Reset: If updates don’t resolve the overheating issue, consider backing up your data and performing a factory reset. This can eliminate potential software conflicts causing the device to overheat.

4. Manage Connectivity Features:

  • Disable Unnecessary Connections: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and mobile data, when not in use, should be turned off. These features can significantly increase the device’s temperature when actively searching for connections.
  • Use Airplane Mode: In situations where phone connectivity is not needed, switching to Airplane Mode can help reduce overheating by disabling all wireless transmissions.

5. Adjust Device Settings:

  • Lower Screen Brightness: High screen brightness requires more power, generating additional heat. Lowering the brightness can help manage the device’s temperature.
  • Turn Off Battery-Draining Features: Features like live wallpapers, high-performance modes, and excessive notifications can contribute to overheating. Use battery saver modes to limit these features.

6. Physical Environment Adjustments:

  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Keeping your Oppo A98 in direct sunlight or in a hot car can cause it to overheat rapidly. Always store the device in a cool, shaded place.
  • Improve Ventilation: Ensure your device has required ventilation, especially during charging or while performing heavy tasks. Avoid using the phone on soft surfaces like beds or sofas that can block air flow.

7. Check for Hardware Issues:

  • Inspect the Battery: A damaged or swollen battery can cause overheating and is dangerous. If you notice any bulging or leaking, take your device to a professional for a battery replacement.
  • Faulty Chargers: Using non-original or defective chargers can lead to improper charging and overheating. Always use the charger provided by the manufacturer or certified alternatives.

8. Seek Professional Help:

  • Contact Oppo Support: If none of the above steps reduces the overheating problem, it’s essential to contact Oppo customer support or visit an authorized service center. The issue may arise from a deeper hardware malfunction that requires professional attention.


Addressing overheating in your Oppo A98 involves a blend of optimizing software settings, managing device usage, and ensuring the physical environment contributes to cooling. By following these steps, you can mitigate the factors leading to overheating, enhancing the performance and longevity of your device.

Also read: Oppo A98 Not switching on? Check Tips