Motorola Moto G54 Power Overheating? Try These Fixes

Motorola Moto G54 Power

Overheating issues with Motorola Moto G54 Power, can be concerning for users. These issues can arise from various sources, including software glitches, hardware malfunctions, or external factors. If your device is experiencing overheating problems, it’s crucial to address them promptly to prevent potential damage to your phone or even personal harm.

Fixes to Overcome Motorola Moto G54 Power Overheating Issue

1. Turn Off the Device:

If your Motorola Moto G54 Power is significantly overheated, power it down and let it cool off naturally in a cooler environment. Avoid placing it in the refrigerator or other extreme temperature environments as rapid temperature changes can damage the phone.

2. Close Unused Apps:

Sometimes, too many apps running in the background can cause the phone to overheat. Close unnecessary apps to reduce system strain.

3. Remove the Case:

Some cases can trap the heat and this insulation lead to overheating of device. If you’re using a case, remove it to help dissipate heat more effectively.

4. Update Your Phone:

Ensure your Motorola Moto G54 Power is running the latest firmware. Manufacturers often release updates that improve thermal management and fix software bugs that may cause overheating.

5. Monitor and Limit Resource Intensive Apps:

Some apps consume more resources than others, leading to overheating. Identify and limit the use of such apps, to prevent overheating.

6. Use Original Chargers:

Using non-original or low quality chargers can lead to overheating during charging. Always use the charger that came with your Motorola Moto G54 Power or a certified replacement.

7. Adjust Settings for Better Thermal Management:

Lowering screen brightness, disabling unused connectivity features like Bluetooth and GPS, and activating battery saver mode can help manage your phone’s temperature. Keeping your phone out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources can prevent overheating.

8. Factory Reset:

If overheating persists, consider backing up your data and performing a factory reset. This can eliminate any software issues causing the problem. Head to Settings > System > Reset options then Erase all data (factory reset).

9. Check for Physical Damage:

Inspect your phone for signs of damage, especially around the battery area. Swollen or damaged batteries can cause overheating and are hazardous. In such cases, you need a professional assistance. So, visit an authorized service center to inspect battery of your device. You may need to replace it, if it is degraded.

10. Seek Professional Help:

If you suspect a hardware issue, such as a malfunctioning battery or damaged internals, contact Motorola support or visit a certified repair center. Attempting DIY repairs can be dangerous and might void your warranty.


Overheating in the Motorola Moto G54 Power can be a sign of underlying issues, ranging from simple fixes like software updates to more serious problems requiring professional repair. By following the steps outlined above, you can identify the cause of the overheating and take appropriate measures to resolve it, ensuring your device operates safely and efficiently. Remember, if the problem persists despite these efforts, it’s crucial to seek assistance from a certified professional to avoid potential damage or safety hazards.

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