iQOO Z9 Lagging? Check This Guide


If you’re facing lagging issues with your iQOO Z9, it’s essential to address these problems to enhance your user experience. Lagging can be occur due to a variety of factors, including software glitches, insufficient storage, outdated apps, or hardware limitations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to diagnosing and fixing lagging issues on your phone.

Steps to Resolve iQOO Z9 Lagging

1. Restart Your Device:

A simple yet effective first step is to restart your iQOO Z9. This action can clear temporary files and free up system resources that might be causing the lag.

2. Update Your Device’s Software:

Ensure that your iQOO Z9’s operating system is up to date. Software updates often include bug fixes, security enhancements, and performance improvements that can solve lagging issues.

  • Go to Settings > System update then Check for updates.
  • Download and install any available updates.

3. Clear Cache Data:

Over time, apps accumulate cache data, which can slow down your device. Clearing the cache for individual apps or using the phone’s optimization feature can enhance performance.

  • For individual apps: Go to Settings > App management > App list, select an app, then tap on ‘Storage & cache’ > ‘Clear cache’.
  • For overall device optimization: Use the iQOO’s in-built optimization tool (if available) to clean junk files and optimize the phone’s performance.

4. Manage Your Apps Wisely:

Having too many apps running in the background can significantly affect your phone’s performance. Regularly close apps you are not using and uninstall apps that you no longer need.

  • To see running apps, tap on the ‘Recent apps’ button and swipe away apps you’re not using.
  • To uninstall apps, go to Settings > App management > App list, select the app you wish to remove, and tap ‘Uninstall’.

5. Disable or Remove Bloatware:

Your device might come with pre-installed apps that you don’t use. These can run in the background and slow down your device. Disable or uninstall any bloatware if possible.

  • Go to Settings > App management > App list, select the app, and choose ‘Disable’ or ‘Uninstall’ if the option is available.

6. Check for Malware:

Malware can significantly affect your device’s performance. Use a reputable antivirus app to scan and remove any threats.

7. Reduce Screen Resolution and Animations:

Lowering your screen resolution and reducing animations can free up processing power and improve performance.

  • Screen resolution: This may not be adjustable on all devices, but reducing brightness can help save battery life, indirectly improving performance.
  • Animations: Access Developer options (tap on the Build number in About phone 7 times to enable) and adjust Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale to .5x or turn them off.

8. Perform a Factory Reset:

If the lagging persists despite trying the above steps, consider performing a factory reset. This will erase all data on your iQOO Z9, so ensure you back up important files first.

  • Go to Settings > System management > Reset then select Erase all data (to factory reset).

9. Check for Hardware Issues:

If your phone continues to lag after a factory reset, there might be underlying hardware issues. Consider contacting iQOO customer support or taking your phone to an authorized service center for a professional diagnosis and repair.

10. Use Lite Versions of Apps:

If possible, opt for ‘Lite’ versions of apps. These versions are designed to be less resource-intensive and can offer smoother performance on devices with limited hardware capabilities.


By systematically applying these solutions, you can significantly improve your iQOO Z9’s performance and reduce lagging issues. Regular maintenance, such as clearing the cache and managing apps, can prevent future performance problems, ensuring your device runs smoothly for a longer period.

Also read: iQOO Z9 Not connecting to WiFi? Simple Tricks