5 Ways In Which Androids Are Just Better Than iPhones

Android Vs iPhone

It has been a long debate about which one is better, Android or iPhone. People have considered multiple aspects of it and they haven’t been able to announce a winner. The main reason behind it is, that there are 5 ways in which Androids are just better than iPhones and there are ways in which iPhones are just better than Android.

In this article you will see one side of this debate, you will understand 5 ways in which Androids are just better than iPhones. Aspects in which iPhones can never beat Androids.

5 Ways in which Androids are better

  1. Wider price range – Everyone can not afford expensive smartphones. There are dozens of Android manufacturers who provide a wide price range to every section of society. You won’t have to put all your savings into buying a smartphone. Also, you can choose a specific type of smartphone. For example, if you want to have a very high-powered processor but don’t need a very good camera or display, you will get this set of specifications in some Android devices, but Apple creates one for all types of smartphones.
  2. There is still a headphone jack – Unlike iPhones, most Android devices still have headphone jacks in them. Androids also have this very convenient charging port called “USB C” which iPhones lack.
  3. Hardware choices – There is a wide variety of hardware choices that comes with Android. You can choose the process, size of ram, display, etc. Whereas when you buy an iPhone you will have to settle with what Apple thinks is best.
  4. Customizing the UI – You can not change the UI experience on your iPhones. However, Android provides you far better opportunity to change the way your Android software looks. You can even install a new Android OS if you want.
  5. Expandable memory – It doesn’t feel like a problem for the first couple of months but after that when your memory gets filled, you don’t know what to do because iPhones never come with expandable memory. On the other hand, there is a lot of potential for memory expansion in Androids.

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