Redmi Note 12 4G Overheating? Check This Guide

Redmi Note 12 4G

Tackling the overheating issue in the Redmi Note 12 4G demands a comprehensive strategy that contains both the device’s hardware and software, alongside user behavior. Overheating can arise from a variety of sources such as extended use, operating apps that demand high performance, environmental factors. In this article, we will explore the complete guide to overcome the overheating issue on your smartphone.

Steps to Overcome Redmi Note 12 4G Overheating

1. Moderate Intensive Usage:

High-demand tasks like gaming, streaming, or extensive camera use can overheat your phone by straining the processor. It’s beneficial to moderate these activities, taking breaks to allow your device to cool down.

2. Regular Updates:

Ensuring that both your apps and the device’s operating system are up-to-date is crucial. Developers often release updates to fix bugs that might cause your phone to work harder and heat up.

3. App Management:

Running multiple applications simultaneously can overload your phone’s processor. Regularly closing unused apps can help manage the device’s temperature.

4. Environmental Considerations:

  • Avoid Heat Exposure: Exposure to direct sunlight or using your phone in high temperatures can worsen overheating. Keeping your device in cooler environments helps prevent temperature spikes.
  • Mindful Charging: Using the original charger and avoiding phone use during charging can reduce overheating risks. Heat generated during charging is normal, but excessive use can push temperatures to harmful levels

5. Thermal Management Adjustments:

  • Lower Screen Brightness: A brighter screen requires more power, contributing to heat generation. Lowering brightness can help keep your device cool.
  • Activate Battery Saver: This feature reduces your phone’s performance to save energy, indirectly assisting in heat management.
  • Disable Unnecessary Features: Turning off unused features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS can lessen the strain on your processor, helping to control heat.

6. Hardware Checks:

  • Battery Inspection: A faulty battery can cause overheating. If your phone is still under warranty, consider getting the battery checked by professionals.
  • Examine Charging Equipment: A defective charger can also lead to overheating. Try using a different, compatible charger to see if it resolves the issue.

7. Cautious Use of Third-Party Apps:

Some apps from third-party developers may not be optimized well and can cause your device to overheat. Monitor how your device’s temperature changes with the use of new apps and remove any that consistently cause overheating.

8. Consider a Factory Reset:

If overheating persists, a factory reset might address underlying software problems. Backing up your data and performing a factory reset might clear underlying software problems causing the device to overheat.

9. Seek Professional Help:

Persistent overheating despite troubleshooting might indicate a deeper hardware problem. In such instances, professional service from an authorized center is recommended for a detailed examination and necessary repairs or replacements.


Effectively managing overheating in the Redmi Note 12 4G typically involves a blend of preventative steps and active interventions. Through understanding the root causes and applying the outlined strategies, users can successfully alleviate overheating issues, ensuring their device functions safely and maintain peak performance.

Also read: Redmi Note 12 4G Not switching on? Check Tips