Motorola Moto G54 Power Slow charging? Check Fixes

Motorola Moto G54 Power

The issue of slow charging in the Motorola Moto G54 Power can be frustrating for users who rely on their smartphones for daily tasks. To address this issue, we’ll explore a comprehensive solution that covers multiple aspects, including troubleshooting steps, preventive measures, and long term solutions.

Fixes to Overcome Motorola Moto G54 Power Slow charging

1. Inspect the Charging Cable and Adapter:

First of all start by examining your charging cable and adapter for any visible signs of wear or damage. A frayed or damaged cable can significantly decrease charging efficiency. Try using a different cable and adapter to see if the charging speed improves. Always use chargers and cables certified by Motorola for your Moto G54 Power. These chargers are designed to work optimally with your device and support its fast charging capabilities.

2. Check the Power Source:

Sometimes, the issue might not be with the phone but with the power source. Ensure that you’re using a power outlet that delivers adequate power. Avoid charging from a computer USB port or power banks with low output.

3. Clean the Charging Port:

Dust and debris in the charging port can hinder the connection between your charger and the phone. Carefully clean the port using a small, soft bristled brush or a can of compressed air.

4. Restart Your Phone:

A simple restart can sometimes resolve minor software glitches that might be affecting the charging process. So, give it a try.

5. Update Your Phone’s Software:

Ensure that your Motorola Moto G54 Power is running the latest software version. Software updates often include bug fixes that can enhance charging speed and overall performance.

6. Optimize Battery Settings:

Explore battery settings and enable features like Battery Saver or Adaptive Battery. These settings can help manage power consumption more efficiently, indirectly affecting charging time.

7. Close Background Apps:

Running too many apps in the background can drain the battery faster and extend charging time. Make sure to close unnecessary apps before charging.

8. Disable Unnecessary Features:

Turn off features that consume a lot of power, such as Bluetooth, GPS, and WiFi, when not in use, especially during charging.

9. Battery Health Check:

Battery performance degrades over time. If your device is old, consider checking the battery health. In some cases, replacing the battery might be necessary to improve charging speed and overall battery life.

10. Seek Professional Help:

If you’ve tried all the above solutions and your Motorola Moto G54 Power still charges slowly, it might be a more serious hardware issue. In this case, it’s best to contact Motorola support or take your phone to a certified repair center for professional assistance.


By following these steps, you can address the issue of slow charging in your Motorola Moto G54 Power. It’s important to approach the problem methodically, starting with simple fixes and moving towards more complex solutions if necessary. Regular maintenance and using the right accessories can also go a long way in ensuring your device charges efficiently and maintains its battery health over time.

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